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FMS V3 Latest Gyro

I use this one in all my Dynam models and find it great.

You can rotate the gyro 180 deg to get your ailerons right, so, right if you tip the wing down and the opposite aileron pops up. The rotation is right. But if you nose the plane down the elevator should move towards you. If it does not, then swap the servo for the reverse one. I only connect the elivator and aileron to the gyro, and connect the motor and rudder straight to the receiver, so missing out the gyro. As long as the CG is correct..then it flies really well on the gyro!! One point...Don't rely on double-sided tape, you need to glue the gyro in!! Cause if it does come loose.., as happened to with my BF109..hit the deck with nothing I could do to stop it!!


Reflex Functions

  • 3 flight modes are available: Stabilized, Optimized or off. This is controlled with a 2 or 3 position switch on the transmitter. When assigned to a 2 position switch, the Reflex system switches between stabilized and optimized modes.
  • Stabilized Mode - Designed for beginners, Reflex will rapidly level the aircraft from any attitude when this mode is activated. Stabilized mode combines accelerometer and gyro data to determine how to level the aircraft when the control sticks are released- giving pilots absolute peace of mind.
  • OFF - Turns off all gyro functionality, the aircraft is flown completely manually when the gyro is off.
  • Optimized Mode - Utilizing advanced solid-state gyros, the Reflex system maintains aircraft attitude by counteracting inflight upsets- from gusts to crosswinds.

Gyro FMS V3 Latest version

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